Star Rising – When you say Star is rising, there are reasons for saying so:
1. A Star may be sleeping – there are people whose Star is sleeping. That is the Star not functioning and it is redundant. For example, you can tell someone to stand up if they have been sleeping for too long. Same way that too many of us have been in the same position/ sleeping for too long and it is time to wake up. In this month of June, Our Month of Star Rising, you will function much better and productive in the Name of Jesus Christ.
2. A Star may have been in the same position for too long – no matter how good or otherwise the position may be, there is time to rise. Remember the story of the prodigal son, he said, “I will rise and return home, I’ve been in this position for too long.”
3. A Star is asked to rise when it needs to change level. Someone is leaving the back and is moving forward in the Name of Jesus.
Why should you rise? You should rise because you have more potentials to display. Some people are living short of their potentials meaning they are not displaying all their potentials. In this season of Star rising you will showcase more of your potentials in Jesus’ Name.
What does Star Rising mean? It means the time for you to shine has come. For example, if you look outside during the day, you will not see stars. Why because it is not dark thus it is not time for stars to be visible. Thus, when we say your Star is rising it means your time has come to be visible. Today the world is about to hear of the Glory of God in your life in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
How do I use Thanksgiving to influence my Star rising? Please understand this that you do not just have a Star, you are a Star because Jesus said I will give you the morning sun. Star is a mark of honor and glory. Each Star differs from one and another in glory (I Corinthians 15:40). Your Star is rising thus your glory is rising. Do not let your current position in life or circumstances make you feel you do not have a glory. For example, Nissan makes different models of cars same way our stars have different models of glory. Your model is attached to the plan and purpose of God for your life.
Lazarus’ Star rose back to life when Jesus praised God “Father, I thank You” (John 11:41). Your Star will rise no matter where you are if you have praise in your mouth. A simple “Thank You” can take you far in life, simple but powerful enough to bring Lazarus back to life. If you do not know how to pray, you must know how to thank God for what God has done for you.
Is there anything you are thankful for today? Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. Will you look for a reason today to say “Lord, I thank You.”
Pastor Sola Olowokere
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