After God had created and formed everything, He committed it into the hands of a family.
Five ways God uses the family:
1. Family is the first institution after God had created everything. God formed people for a family. First place of help is your family. Many people do not understand family and that is why they take it for granted. When God formed man, both the man and woman were leaders in the home (Genesis 1:28). God is a God of order. We cannot do things disorderly against Scripture. The man is the head while the woman is the body. God said in his Word Christ is the head of the Church, and the Church is the body of Christ. In every family, God committed everything to man.
2. Blessings are released through family. When God wants to bless someone, He uses the family. There is nothing you can become that is not connected to your family. Everything is traced back to the family. Blessings run through a family, same as sicknesses. Whatever negative thing running through your family, may the power of God remove them in Jesus’ Name. All delays are removed in Jesus name
3. When God wants to use people, He considers the family. When God used David, He said to go to the land of Jesse. God does not do anything with you or through you without your family.
4. Family is God’s hope to show that He is a father. To understand God they look at our family. Every relationship must grow into a family. Everything grows by family. Things get better in the Kingdom Family.
5. The family must have the structure. For anything to work, there must be a structure. God is a God of order. No family just appears a family is built. There is a structural structure to family. The power of better beginning is cognitive to change everything out of structure. God can never lie (Titus1:2). Nothing works when a family is out of order. Whatever sickness is in your family they end now in Jesus’ Name. There is a structure of God in the Kingdom Family (Act 1:1-5).
Pastor Sola Olowokere
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